Avoid dumping rubbish. Use the rubbish bins.

Cleanliness is a must. Please use the trash cans to avoid dumping rubbish.

Avoid dumping rubbish. Use the rubbish bins.
To prevent littering, we kindly ask you to use the bins provided. By disposing of your waste properly, you help to keep public spaces and green areas clean. This not only contributes to aesthetic improvement, but also to the health and safety of our community. Your support is crucial to maintaining a positive environment for all.

Why this note

This request prohibits littering and encourages the use of the existing waste bins. It promotes a tidy appearance and helps prevent littering. By setting clear goals, it encourages respectful behavior and shows a sense of responsibility for maintaining the environment.


- This notice encourages people to avoid dumping rubbish and to use the rubbish bins provided instead. It highlights the importance of keeping public areas tidy and clean and everyone's responsibility to help maintain a clean environment. By disposing of rubbish correctly, we are helping to protect the environment and create a pleasant environment for everyone.


>> Private area: Please do not leave any rubbish.

>> Please do not spit on the grass – he does not like his blades of grass to be wet.
>> Note: The doctor has a strong passion for the health of his patients.
>> Important: I appreciate the accountant's accuracy in counting hairs.
>> Please do not trip over your own shadow on the lawn.

0.04 Perl: 5.036001
8261 / 751 / 2024-09-08