Please do not go straight ahead – the building has other plans.

Here: Confusing building – don't follow the straight line. A remarkable clue!

Please do not go straight ahead – the building has other plans.
The comprehensive explanation

The signage "Please do not go straight ahead - the building has other plans" is not just a humorous warning about an unconventional architectural layout. It plays on the idea that the building itself has a quirky personality, encouraging visitors to embark on unexpected paths. This type of sign could be installed in a place with a labyrinthine floor plan or a confusing layout, such as a historic building with many angles and unexpected turns. It reminds passersby that navigating the space can be a playful challenge that inspires both curiosity and a desire for discovery. The humorous wording invites people to perceive the building not just as a physical structure, but as a kind of living being that can lead its visitors down unexplored paths. It can also be understood as a subtle warning that the direct path may not always be the easiest or most interesting, encouraging people to embark on the adventure of discovery. Through its playful tone, the poster contributes to the atmosphere of the place and reminds us that architecture can be not only functional, but also an experience that appeals to the senses and stimulates the imagination.


>> We promise to provide regular training for your staff on our sex toys.

>> Entrance only for women and their secret desires.
>> The fridge is empty because I thought the pizza would take care of it.
>> Here every sip is enjoyed with devotion.
>> We pay attention to the needs and preferences of our regular customers when it comes to sex toys.

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16632 / 1512 / 2025-02-11